Harvest Gold Live

With the exception of drummers, the turnover of Harvest Gold Band members was quite small. During the 10 years I was a member, Patti, our lead singer, left the band and was replaced by Cheryl. Everyone else stayed except the drummers, and we had 6 of those during the 10 years. I don’t know what we did to drummers, but we kept loosing them.

Gerry Gibb , our bass player- vocalist – front man, had been with the band since its inception (1971). Besides being an accomplished musician, Jerry was a natural comedian – funny man – “Robin Williams type” on and off the stage. He could change the words to a song on the fly, and no one knew what he was going to say or do next. He and Buddy made a natural comedy team and the audience responded well. It made things very exciting and we had a blast during every show.

When Jerry left the band in 1990 it was quite a let-down, and we had some difficulty adjusting to the change. It was easy to find another bass player, but someone with Jerry’s kind of personality was very rare indeed. Also, to add to this loss, it was becoming more and more difficult to find gigs. The club owners no longer wanted to pay for a complete band, but instead were hiring DJ’s to spin records, or solo musicians with electronic effects. In light of all these events we decided to “hang it up” at the end of 1991.

I recently found an old VHS tape recording of our band playing at a camp ground somewhere in Western Ohio. I don’t recall the name of the place or its exact location. The video was stamped with the date May 21, 1991. The tape is not of the highest quality but I digitized it as best I could and put it on YouTube. It will give the reader an example of our music during the last year of the band’s existence. These videos can be accessed by the following links:

Harvest Gold Live(2)

Harvest Gold Live(3)